Art of the Skeptic: Where is Your Moon Now?

When you look at the moon through the eyes of a skeptic, things are different. Have you ever looked at the moon? Hopefully everyone answers yes, but if you have you might have noticed something odd: You've only ever seen one face of the moon. The moon rotates around its axis so as to be in sync with its orbit around the Earth, as well as the Earths rotation. Additionally, it's orbit is exactly circular,* the only one like it of known celestial bodies. In short, the orbit of the moon is... Perfect. So are we really to believe this orbit just arose because of it's "natural" formation? The freak meteorite happened to perfectly blast the moon to circle like this? Or did the molten material that broke off early earth have exactly the right amount of mass to be held in a perfectly synchronous orbit? Believe it or not: I. Am. Skeptical.

skeptic moon picture

Art of the Skeptic: Thornley Confession

There are many conspiracy theories about JFK's assassination, and if I weren't a SKEPTIC, I might believe them. The way I see it however, the men far wiser than I, as well as far more numerous seeing as I am only one, have decided that there is no conspiracy. But hey, why not question it? after all, they could have been wrong... or lying.

Skeptical? Click the post title to read more!

Art of the Skeptic: I Buried Paul

There is a relatively popular theory that famous member of The Beatles is dead, and in fact was long before the band split or he began his solo career. There is considerable history to the theory, but I'm still not inclined to believe it. Why? Because it's my job to be skeptical, that's why. Anyways, in September of 1969, a group of students from American college published a series of articles citing evidence that Paul had died in a car crash in January of 1967, and was replaced by a look-alike. They had all sorts of reasons to back up their claim, and a frenzy of "clue-finding" quickly began. To me this part sounds like a gritty re imagining of Scooby-Doo, but still, I have to had it to the kids they have some pretty convincing points. Such as hidden messages in songs by The Beatles. and secret meanings in their album covers. Perhaps the most popular example, and the namesake of this post, the infamous, "I buried Paul" line.

Skeptical? Click the post title to read more.

Art of the Skeptic: Under Control

Skeptic's Illuminati logo

Firstly, I want to apologize for my absence, hurrican Irene put me offline for awhile, but I'm back. Next, I want to answer a question I'm sure you're wondering, "What's with the post title?" Well I'll tell you. There are many theories that a group called "The Illuminati" controls everything from governments, to the press, to even influencing our actions! They supposedly do this through nearly unlimited resources, so they can sway the media as they please, and adding subliminal messages into videos and music we see all the time. Here is a related video, that also has more information. Part two should not be hard to find.

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Art of the Skeptic

Now many of you will quickly learn from my blog that I am extremely difficult to please. I will settle for almost nothing short of perfection. In addition to that I require a great deal of evidence to accept anything as fact, especially if it's something like ghosts or telekinesis (at this point, I don't believe in either, though they would provide a neatly fitting explanation to many phenomena) So, I will start a post "series" I ask my readers to give me a link to a Youtube video, picture, or passage, regarding the paranormal. Add it in your comment on this post, and I will form my analysis on it. Now I'm not going to say ANYTHING is REAL, but I will tell you what flaws I see with it, and whether or not it is obviously fake. So, please comment with a link to a video of some paranormal phenomena, and I'll take a look!

The Skeptic's Signature

Forsaken Technologies

Society has managed to forget numerous earthshaking technological breakthroughs, in it's development. This is quite a feat, considering the numerous inventions and discoveries that we have left behind over the years. The list is endless, and cannot be completed, mostly because some of them have been forgotten in full, not just their methods.

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A Meditation on Drive

All things in life require focus, dedication. But from where does that come? In my opinion, the sources are innumerable, and some are better than others. The "best" depends on the person, at least in my experience. Some work for themselves, others work for a greater good. Another important thing to consider when selecting the "best" source of drive for the situation is what requires attention. For instance, your inspiration would come from a different place when creating art than studying for a final exam. Now I'm not gonna try to sugarcoat this, I lack drive. I rarely put in enough effort, and quite simply waste my abilities. However one thing has remained fairly constant in it's ability to demand my attention: Fitness.

People choose to start getting in shape for a myriad of reasons. Maybe they are given a particularly worrisome checkup by their doctor, maybe they want to feel in control. Or, as it's been in my case, maybe they had someone they wanted to impress. Now, this has not always been my sole source of inspiration, rather the most prevalent one.  Now I won't go into detail, but several years ago, there was a girl I fancied, and I thought to myself, how attractive am I? Upon looking in the mirror, I realized that by my reckoning, the answer was: Not very.So, I set out to change that. Looking back, I find my methods just plain funny, my workout routine was simple: A hell of  a lot of crunches. Back then I thought all I had to do was get abs. Well, I started to figure out that first off, I needed more than a six pack, otherwise I'd have some odd proportions. I also found out that I could do as many crunches as I wanted, and still I would never get abs. That's because crunches make your abs stronger, and sure that gets the rock hard feel you here about so much, but there was still a layer of fat over them, so they were invisible, I had to lower my body fat percentage. So then came running. Now, it didn't take me long to figure out that I HATE running. It's just hugely boring to me, and takes too long. So, I got into weightlifting.

Some people have trouble getting into a workout routine. But I found it easy, I had something, someone, to get fit for, so it was worth all the pain. However, I eventually came to the harsh realization that this girl I had worked so hard to please, would never feel about me the way I felt about her. Then came the anger phase. I was an angry young man, pissed at her, me, pissed at the world. So I worked out to burn off some steam. While the intensity of my workouts was perhaps greater, i.e. faster plyo. The length was reduced, because while I was working on trying to impress someone, I could lift larger weights, and put in more reps/sets. As I began to mature, I realized as well that being in shape would do little to affect my attractiveness. I needed something else, something you can't build the way you can muscle. I needed swagger, confidence. I was naturally a reserved kid, and not very extroverted, though I had for years sucked it up and smiled, and to many appeared extroverted. But as I got into shape, I began getting compliments on my physique. This actually worked to boost my confidence. I began to actually enjoy new settings and new people, I had no problem talking to someone I'd never met, and finally had become truly extroverted.

So I think what's most important to understand is that everyone's drive, they're engine, must come from a different place. This place also changes with time. So if you are starting a routine, or trying to keep one alive, I suggest finding that place of inspiration, and making a point to remember that during your workouts.

An Introduction

My name is Bluestrings, and I started this blog not to give hope to people in need, nor to tell of the devastation war has caused my family and home. No, I started this blog because I forgot the password to my previous ones. Yea pretty lame reason, but pretty tough one to fix (before you ask, yes I applied for password recovery, and no it was not successful, otherwise this wouldn't be here.) The more curious readers would ask why blog at all, and to those who asked said question, I commend you. The answer is as follows: I have to give my opinion, on any and every subject I come across. That's just how I'm wired. Luckily for you, I will... censor, shall we say, my posts, so I don't waste our time, and Google's server space.
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The Art of the Skeptic is a blog where the authors look at any and all offered conspiracies, paranormal phenomena, etc. From a highly skeptical point of view. The subjects can range from the Illuminati, to musicians, to JFK Assassination. This skepticism allows readers to get a second opinion on the subject of their choice, one with a highly critical eye. Readers are encouraged to submit ideas via the comment form to have it analyzed.